Sunday, January 11, 2009

That Which Is Freely Given

The other two parishioners at the Bijou Temple are Stan and Lucille--also ex-university professors, who taught radical economic theory in the 60s but were denied tenure, and who then took a pledge to subvert the corrupting hegemony of capitalism by vowing to live entirely without money--to rely solely on that which is freely given--after which they moved into the basement of the library, where they gave public lectures and dramatic readings, until they were kicked out to make room for computers. They now live in their car, which is parked behind the Temple.

Phoebe passes a basket of apples and oranges (and condoms) to the congregation after the sermon, so Stan and Lucille are almost always there. Sometimes she fires up the popcorn machine too, which God appreciates, because people tend to spill their popcorn everywhere, and when they pet him, their hands are slick and flavored with salt.

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