Monday, January 5, 2009

Phoebe Needs a New Plan

Phoebe has been trying to find a way to ask Josephine out, but hasn't had much luck because (1) Phoebe doesn't know Josephine's phone number, which is only part of the problem because Phoebe doesn't have a phone and (2) it's winter and it's been way too cold to hang around the Dog Park waiting for her to show up.

Phoebe really doesn't know that much about Josephine. She doesn't know where she lives, for example, or what she does for a living, or if she's involved with anyone else. She doesn't even know if she's gay or straight, but Phoebe figures these are all things they could talk about. Well, maybe not the gay or straight part. That's not the kind of topic you can just start up. But maybe you could, Phoebe thinks, once you've found some other things out.

Phoebe's plan was to bring a thermos of hot tea to the Dog Park, wait till Josephine complained about the cold (the weather is always a lively topic at the Dog Park), offer to pour her a cup, and then take it from there. But Phoebe's been lugging that thermos to the Park since Christmas, and so far, Josephine has eluded her.

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